About Us

Big Murphy's has been born out of a burning desire to offer a unique line of custom menswear, and leather goods. Founder, Nathan Minnehan began his journey into leather design and production with the creation of WalknTalk, in 2012. His journey as an entrepreneur and professional has lead him to create Big Murphy's; a brand dedicated to re-creating the art of custom, one stitch at a time.
We believe in a philosophy of Living Life In A Big Way, and Making No Small Plans. This thought process stems from Chicago's renowned Architect Daniel Burnham, and Rochester, New York's less known but equally 'omnipotent' Charles W. Murphy; the inspiration behind the brand.
Burnham once said "make no small plans for they have no magic to stir men's blood". He was right, and proved it in realizing his legendary proposal to build the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893, making it the biggest human gathering to date, and the birth place of many innovations we still use today.
It is our belief that it is in life's greatest undertakings that we become our greatest expression of ourselves. On a practical level we believe that in order to be our best, we need to carry things that represent the level of excellence with which we feel called to perform.
Big Murphy was a criminal defense attorney for bootleggers in the 1920s and 1930s in Rochester, New York. His cases ranged in stature, and were always steeped in myth and legend. Including a 1929 case in which he defended Al Capone's organization in Rochester, New York. One thing is certain, he didn't get that nickname by accident. He was known for "living life in a big way," and "doing things with the wave of a friendly hand, rather than the gesture with the sword".
He was also most notably described as holding "big jobs and important posts in large organizations," and remembered for his "big cigars and big cars".
Big Murphy was the youngest of twelve, and with the help of his brothers and sisters, the only to attend university.
As a member of the graduating class of Syracuse university in 1916, he vowed to build a noble life. Active in his community and family, Big Murphy made his mark, and the rest speaks for itself.
Charles W. Murphy, 1929. The Big Murphy.